Multi-Asset – Investment Outlook – 2nd Quarter Insights

4 minutes read time Quarterly Outlook Q2 2021 A global rebound led by the US In the US, the government enacted a $900bn plan in December under former president Trump and a $1.9 trillion stimulus plan in March under President Biden. Now the Democrats are pushing for a further $2.25 trillion dollar infrastructure spending plan over the next ten […]

Dividend Aristocrats – Multi-Asset – Blog

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< 1 minute read time The US stock market is up nearly 69 times over the last fifty years – not bad – but if you add the impact of dividends, the S&P 500 is up almost 300 times for Sterling investors. Collecting and reinvesting dividends really works. Dividends represent most of the profits that owners of shares enjoy in […]

The biggest bubble of all time? – Multi-Asset – Blog

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2 minutes read time As Christmas parties start to fill the diary, there’s one subject everyone wants to talk about: Bitcoin. Blockchain is an innovative technology that creates an electronic ledger secured with cryptography whose applications range from the origination of corporate bonds* to simplifying the process of recording property titles. But it’s the application of blockchain to create […]